English Version


I invite you to experience our beautiful detail made with love to warm your home.


Santander is a company that promotes products for decorating your home, in different materials that arouse love and tenderness, with many exclusive designs, based on fairness and respect.
We are stretching out locally in search of new markets to position the departmental level.
Our crafts will be recognized by the delicacy that has our manufacturer, carefully complete each of its details, thus inspiring harmony and warmth.


Based on our new designs that impact their originality, are designed to spread out at the departmental level by the year 2012 and then at national level focus.


Our designs are unique, for it based on respect and equity.

My mother

The creator of these beautiful details my mother Amparo Hernandez with his charisma and determination to light homes Santander

Corporate history

By 2003, the idea of starting to get to know the art Foamy material. Motivated by this idea, followed the path and continued to strengthen their knowledge, extending the country, art on canvas, oil painting and other techniques that have resulted, all of these beautiful details to decorate your home and give away at every opportunity.
We are known for the originality of our products with excellent finishes, modern designs, quality material and the application of different techniques in each.
CRAFTS AMPAHER is how, today is recognized by decorating the spaces of many homes and so santandereanos same, continuing the ongoing effort to create new trends in decor.

Business Idea

The business idea for our craft, is to form the largest of microenterprise, be a promoter of employment.
We want to properly organize our company and we will make every day to increase your income, so in a certain time to open other branches

General Objectives

Create the best company at the departmental level, our products are recognized for their originality and quality.

Specific objetives

. Legalize the company.
. Develop higher-quality crafts at the departmental level.
. Select raw materials to produce products with optimum quality.
. Select our staff with the required values.
. Detailing the final products to satisfy our customers.

Operating Company

The operation of the company:

. The best location for the company as a commercial sector in these places many people pass.

. Microenterprise needs a little remodeling local design, painting and material distribution.

. The team needs the company is: machines, cabinets, among others.

. The furniture company will be all his team.

. The goods will be accommodated in the most inconspicuously.

. The advertising company will be: "If you want to decorate with originality and quality, come MANUALIDEDAS AMPAHER"

. The person who will help the company succeed is: Mrs. Amparo Hernandez

. Products needed for the development of crafts will be purchased where the warm and prices are suitable.

. The furniture company will keep in good condition, making maintenance if possible every month, on top of that keeping it clean.


1.Mis customers will be people who want to decorate your home with beautiful original form as our micro crafts CRAFT AMPAHER offers customers different types for every occasion.

2.Nuestra company could be located anywhere in the city because our products will appeal to be fine quality crafts.

3.Serán many people who buy our products because when they know our details are delighted and others informing them that our crafts are the best.

4.Según the season produces the kind of sales.

5.During whole year since we bought our craft different details for different occasions and in different materials.

6.Les like all our crafts, but by season and occasion choose the product and its material.
Accounting and financial
To start our business we need to invest two million dollars which will be obtained from a loan and was recovered during the Christmas season.
We expect revenues this season surrounding the three million pesos as our costs are the fabrics and other materials for projects and our profit would be fifty percent of what is invested.

Legal aspects

All legally constituted company must meet the following requirements:
1. Registration with the Chamber of Commerce
2. Commercial Register
3. Unique Registration Tax (RUT)
4. Get Tax Identification Number (NIT)
5. Register at City Hall for the board of Industry and Trade
6. Registration of trade books

The legal framework of our company regime will be simplicity and we will not be required to charge but take a logbook of operations.

Submit required paperwork for the establishment of our company

Anta Chamber of Commerce:

1. Check the availability of name.
2. Fill out the Registration form and fees.
3. Annex Application Fill NIT at the DIAN. (You can also make the target).
4. Pay Tuition Registration and value.


1. Enroll RUT (Single Tax Registry).
2. Getting the NIT (Tax Identification Number).

First Secretary of the Treasury of the Mayor:

1. Registration of Trade and Industry.
2. Registration of Land Use, Health and Safety Conditions

The obligations will acquire our company are:
-Taxes: refer to the payment of part of the sales made by our company to the state.
-Meet our customers.
-Providing quality products.
-Payment of utilities.

Taxes will have to cancel are:
-Value Added Tax (VAT)
-Income Tax (ISR)
-Special Tax on Production and Services (IEPS)
-Rate Business Tax (flat tax)
Deposits Tax-Effective (IDE)

Foamy gift!

Tender and beautiful detail to give joy to your home

Country to Decorate!

Art style, with curious touches of tenderness and simplicity that reflects the grace that is in you

Christmas arrived!

Christmas thousand and one details to give away at this special time

Things for your home!

Bring beautiful crafts to beautify all areas of your home

Aspects important in our company


TECHNOLOGY: The set of technical, scientific, allowing design and create goods or services that facilitate adaptation to the environment and meet the needs of people.
COMPUTERS: is the applied science covering the study and application of automatic processing of information using electronic devices and computer systems. It is also defined as the automatic processing of information.
COMMUNICATIONS: The process by which information is transmitted from one entity to another. The communication processes are sign-mediated interactions between at least two agents who share the same repertoire of signs and have a common semiotic rules.

Our company values

The first is freedom, that is autonomous and free disposal in the work schedule.
Respect, for good living and create the team performance
Love, good manners and greetings
The family, unity and strength of all
The hope is vision to think and do big things
The will to do things and work for an achievement
Responsibility, taking charge of the work belongs to everyone
The quality of the products to delight customers
The justice, give everyone what they deserve
L innovation and ability to make things better.
Communication and dialogue
The commitment and hard work of all.

Business dictionary


article is a type of IKO determinant, a category of morphology which employ some languages for update or clarify the reference of a noun, transforming it from unknown and abstract ("book") to known and concrete ("the book") more clearly, is a device or indicator that what is said in the camp that sayswhich says and who hears, or, in the mutual agreement of the partners.


Cost centers are divisions that generate costs to the Organization but only indirectly added benefit or usefulness. Typical examples of this are the departments of research and development, marketing and service to the client.
Organizations can also choose to classify utility centres or centres of investment. There are advantages to classify simple and simply to the divisions of the Organization as cost centers that costs are more easily measurable. However, cost centres create incentives to administrators underestimate their units to benefit themselves as well. This underestimation can result in adverse consequences for the Organization as a whole (e.g. sales reduced due to experiences of a disservice to the client).


Saving is the difference between disposable income and consumption made by a person, a company, one public administration, among others. Savings is also part of the income that is not intended for consumption, or based on additional spending.


A unit is a standardized amount of a given physical quantity. In general, a unit of measure takes its value from a non-composition patterns of other units previously defined. The first is known as the basic unit or base (or, not quite correctly, basically), while the latter are called derived units. A consistent set of units of measurement in which no amount is more than an associated unit is called. Unit systems. All units denote scalar quantities. In the case of vector quantities, it is interpreted that each component is expressed in the unit shown.


A pension (or insurance or subsidy), in relation with social insurance or social security, is a payment, temporarily or for life, a person that receives when you are in a situation, established by law in each country, which makes it vested in fact a number of fee, whether private or national public welfare systems


Load sociala responsibility, commitment or obligation that members of a society – either as individuals or as members of some group - have both among themselves and to society as a whole is called. The concept introduces a valuation - positive or negative - to the impact that a decision has on society. This appreciation can be both as legal ethics, etc.


In economics the cost or cost is the monetary value of the consumption of factors involving the exercise of an economic activity to the production of a good or service. Whole process of production of a good is wear and tear on a series of factors of production or consumption, the concept of cost is closely linked to the sacrifice incurred to produce the good.


It is called budget advance calculation of revenue and expenditure of an economic activity (personal, family, a business, a company, an Office, a Government) for a period, usually on an annual basis.It is an action plan to meet a target provided, expressed in securities and financial terms that must be met in time and under certain conditions, this concept is applied to each centre of responsibility for the Organization.


Project management also known as management or project management is the discipline that guides and integrates processes plan, attract, energize, organizing talent and manage resources, in order to complete all the work required to develop a project and comply with the scope, within defined limits of time and cost: stress free, and with good interpersonal atmosphere.


In digital electronics, A counter (counter in English) is a sequential circuit built on bistable and logic gates able to perform the computation of the pulse receives input intended for this purpose, store data, or act as a frequency divider.


Horizon or apparent horizon (from the Greek ορίζοντας "orizonta": limit) is the "line" that apparently separates the heaven and Earth. View from any angle this line always appears at the height of the eyes of the Viewer. This 'line' involves a circular space of the Earth's surface.


A forecast of sales is the estimate or forecast of sales of a product (good or service) for certain future period. The demand of the market for a product is the total volume likely to be purchased by a particular group of consumers, in a specific geographic area, for a given period, in a defined environment under a specific programme of marketing and marketing.


It is a characteristic of the economy whose employment was extended to the political and social debate.
Designates the operator that owns or controls the means of producing riquez.This way of defining specific capital varies between classical Economics (economic liberalism), Marxism (to which the industrial capital is a historic way to acquire the means of production) and the subsequent economic flows (neoclassical economics)


Economy (from οἶκος, oikos "home" in the sense of heritage, and νέμω, nemo "manage") is the social science that studies the economic behavior of individual agents production, Exchange, distribution and consumption of goods and services, understood these as means of human need and individual or collective result of the society.


It is a specific term of the economy whose employment was extended to social and political debate.
Designates the operator who owns or controls the means of producing wealth. This way of defining specifically to capital varies between classical economics (economic liberalism), Marxism (to which the industrial capital is a historical acquire the means of production) and subsequent economic flows (neoclassical economics.


Measure the frequency of recovery of accounts receivable. The purpose of this ratio is measuring the average term of loans to customers and to assess the policy of credit and collection. Accounts receivable balance must not exceed the volume of sales. When is this balance higher sales there is total immobilization of funds in accounts receivable, by subtracting the enterprise, capacity to pay and loss of purchasing power.


This is another indicator that allows to obtain evidence of the behavior of working capital. Specifically measure the number of days that the signature, it takes to pay the credit providers have given.
A usual practice is to find that the number of days for payment is greater, but you must be careful not to affect its image of "well paid" with its raw material suppliers. In inflationary times you must download the loss of purchasing power of money part suppliers, buying them on credit.


When there is a range of discounts on a single Bill, these do not add but that the final value of the Bill is given a discount and to balance the following discount is applied, and so on.


It is called budget advance calculation of revenue and expenditure of an economic activity (personal, family, a business, a company, an Office, a Government) for a period, usually on an annual basis. It is an action plan to meet a target provided, expressed in securities and financial terms that must be met in time and under certain conditions, this concept is applied to each centre of responsibility for the Organization.


A Treaty of free trade agreement (TLC) is a regional or bilateral trade agreement to expand the market for goods and services among the participating countries. Basically, it consists in the elimination or substantial reduction of tariffs for goods between the parties, and agreements on services. This agreement is governed by the rules of the


Once submitted projects according to their study, they made ​​their filing, and secretarial classification is made: by subject, author, class and commission, by order of the president of the corporation, assign a speaker or speakers according to the importance project and refers to the standing committee concerned. This also will be filed and classified as a prior to its passage in the first debate.


We recognize that our city has one of the most urban and rural woodlands lush province of Buenos Aires, we have lots of leafy squares and public spaces for recreation of the population belongs to us an excellent Park City tourism prospects with one exception woodland along the banks of the Luján River that runs through our party Aires
That is the duty of every citizen to keep in better shape than the current tree as biological entity multiple benefits provider for Man and his environment is not considered as such throughout the match to Mercedes as evidenced by the standing orders in the last three decades.


Profit is a term used to designate the profit obtained from a process or activity. It is rather vague, since it includes the positive outcome of these activities, measured both in the material or "real" as monetary or nominal form. (see below). As a result, some distinguish between benefits and profit.


Lend-lease (Lend-Lease) is the name of the program by virtue of which the United States of America supplied to United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China, France and other Allied Nations, with large amounts of war between 1941 and 1945, for which, in the case of Britain, allowed to the United States.UU. build military bases in Newfoundland, Bermuda, and the West Indies. It began in March 1941, more than 18 months after the outbreak of World War II in September 1939.


In computing, the unit arithmetic logic, also known as ALU (arithmetic logic unit English acronym), is a digital circuit that computes arithmetic (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.) and logical operations (if, and, or not), between two numbers.


An enterprise is an organization or institution devoted to the pursuit of economic or commercial purposes or activities. He has been noted that, in practice, can find a variety of definitions of the term. This seems to be due, at least in part, that in spite of its apparent simplicity concept is complex. So, consider these differences emphasize various aspects. Below are some...


The word employment is used to describe the relationship between capital and labour, i.e. sell your workforce and receive a remuneration in Exchange.Work can be paid or honorary.The work of the housewife, childcare, work volunteer, etc.


Action and effect of the mark.
Said or done wrong to


1 Choosing the correct solution among several possibilities
2 Action to succeed or get the right result
3 Ability to do one thing


Depreciation is an economic and accounting term referring to the distribution process at the time of lasting value. Additionally it is used as a synonym for depreciation in any of its methods.


It will is the power to decide and manage own behavior. Property expressed consciously in the human being to do something with intention.


Among the indicators of liquidity and solvency are:
a. current ratio
b. Working Capital
c. Acid test
d. Inventory levels of dependence.


The respect or recognition is the consideration that someone or even something has value in itself and is established as a reciprocal: mutual respect, mutual recognition. The term refers to moral and ethical questions, is used in political philosophy and other social sciences such as anthropology, sociology and psychology.


Point Fijoes a town southwest of the Paraguaná peninsula, Falcón (Venezuela) State. It is the capital of the autonomous Carirubana municipality. Its metropolitan area covers the urban parishes North, Carirubana, Punta Cardon